*what happens to a dream deferred?*
~the musical and poetical world of cara christine~

Friday, July 29, 2011

YAY! No Math.... ever again.

So I've been getting together my schedule for the fall. Finally, ha. Here it is - for the most part, it will not change [CLICK for larger image]:

I also found out that I will not have to take the dreaded math again. YAY! No math again...ever. I thought I still had to take another math but apparently (coughmyDincough) Stats at OWU counted as the "MTH 145" at Wright State. ......W00T!

I look forward to the English and history that is left. My faves.

I hope I make friends.. I mean, I did at Miami and that was only a semester - AND having no major! I had a "whopping" 4 classes and I still managed to make 2 decent friends. However, it was a party school (and a helluva lotta fun at that) and I don't know if I'll make any "fun" friends here. Not that it's a priority, but it would definitely be fun. Older friends, too, more my age - like grad students. If only!

Le bf is gonna miss me. A lot. I keep reassuring him he will see me, but he doesn't seem to believe me... ;-) Awww.

I PRAYY I do better at studying here. Maybe I will find the profs more accessible and friendlier. Maybe the classes won't be quite as difficult as the private school I was at. Maybe I will finally realize that this is my LAST chance - and I can't blow it. Lol. Also... hoping I can do something with my voice. I miss singing :-/ It seemed to be encouraged...


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