Soo the bf's off to play tennis again, and I'm stuck here alone with my thoughts. I'll write :)
Author's Note--
Order of schools in which I have attended:
I'm not sure what to expect.
I know the last time I went [transferred] to a new
school, it was a bit of a flop. Granted, I was not the music major I expected to be, so this really severed my options as far as making new friends went. I made a few through my German roommate, but that was all. I was lucky to even have
those friends. But now... now, I'll be with my "
own kind," and it should definitely be more comfortable. There will probably even be grad students, so being among those whose age I am close to will be nice. I also am hoooping I get the on-campus apartment I signed up for. (I finished the paperwork online a bit late, so I'm not sure. My own damn fault if this is the case.) I mean, this way, I'll have lots more freedom, and be with
slightly older kids (I think it's sophomore and up, or be 21+). I don't think they stick transfers with freshmen (at Miami, they stuck me with the German roommate, which ended up not being so bad after all), but you never know. I just feel like there's a huge difference between a kid just outta high school, and a soon-to-be 23 y.o.
comme moi. Lol. *shrug*
Another note: I'm really excited to see my friends from
OWU again at the
music conference in January. (Btw, the conference will be in Columbus, which OWU is near. Cool.) I'll see my old best friend; a musical friend from another college; I'll probably see the people who live in the Columbus area (those that graduated, etc.); and maybe a few others I won't mention, one of whom I really am not sure of. (We had a bit of history but now there's an ironic twist I won't get into.) But yeah.. I wonder how I'll feel, and how my friends will feel. I have a sinking feeling that maybe that best friend will not have missed me much at all, and we won't hang out as much. However, I still feel like whatever friends I will have made at WSU don't quite compare to the friend I had for 2 years, and I think we'll hang... After all, we were.. besties.
I'm sure I'll see profs too, which will be cool. Get to be all updated and such.
I hope my study habits improve. Lord knows they suck..
royally. I'm not sure why (or if I have ADD or something - the excuse for everything haha), but I know that I don't want those occasional D's again. Maybe since it's a public school, the classes will be a bit easier. *gulp* I'm pretty sure music history will be! Man, the class at OWU I was a bitch, let me tell you. It was like we were grad students with way-too-high expectations. It was hell for me, and I felt like everyone else "got it" but me :( Granted, I have had medical/brain issues, so that hinders me (and often makes me feel a bit inadequate), but I still felt quite terrible.. next to those pretty/successful girls who had it all - looks, grade
s, fiancés, outgoing personalities, etc. Ugh.
Which reminds me.. I need to stop comparing myself so much. GaaarrrrR!! Another thing I that drove me nuts about those girls was the fact that they were vocal majors - something I've always longed for. Why did I chose instrumental education over vocal performance, then? Well, a few reasons. One is security. Being a teacher has benefits. Two is the scheduling - great for if you want kids and/or nice vacation time. Three, I am not a fan of being competitive. Being a performance major means you probably will not have a steady job singing because of the competition that is just plain better than you. This means you must work your
ass off to even get
considered. I'm not sure if I'd be up for that. However, if teaching doesn't work out (plus, with the way the shitty economy is going, I don't see a tremendous future in it anyway), I want to turn to opera singing. I have always loved opera and the way they sing is JUST how I sing: very back-of-the-throaty. Hell, even a vocal prof at OWU asked me (when I had a vocal placement thingamajigger) if I'd ever considered being a vocal major. That stuck with me to this day. (Also, the one prof at WSU def seemed to take my singing into consideration - something rare that I will always remember. Maybe I can take LESSONS! YaY haha.) So yeah. And if this doesn't work out, well.. I may have to turn to other things to get the money I want.. hehe. So? I refuse to live paycheck to paycheck like the scum of America.
*sigh* I'm quite nervous, being an almost-23 y.o. going to a new school. They may think it strange. I may not fit in. I don't know. I want to make cool friends that like to have fun, but at the same time I guess it doesn't matter/is not likely, and you make the friends that are the most comfortable for you that you have the most in common with. Oy.
I guess I've been through a lot. To me, it's just life.
I can't wait to see what happens.