*what happens to a dream deferred?*
~the musical and poetical world of cara christine~

Sunday, November 21, 2010

New Music!

So I've been rediscovering the band Circa Survive lately, and also discovering Brand New, which is like my fave band (besides The Beatles, of course) Taking Back Sunday. Here is a video from 2007 by Circa that I immediately fell in love with. It's a pretty gross video for my tastes haha, but the song itself is awesome..

Anywho, yeah. I was hoping to insert the original video for more of a visual but I guess Blogspot is retarted. Here's another:

Anyway, c'est tout for now. Back to les devoirs.


Thursday, November 18, 2010

My Luck with Drawings!! :)

This is from my fb today: 

"omg I'm in the finals for winning that BMW at the mall.. but I lied about my income.. but! I won a cruise and am gonna have someone that makes enough refer me for it, so at least THAT should work!.. :) ha a cruise is better than nothing! But sad about the car cause I don't think you can have a referral for THAT.. lol.. I need this car ha, I can barely afford to save for a crappy car!.."

SO.. yeah. I couldn't believe that I got a call but then again.. I lied about my income BECAUSE I READ THE FINE PRINT on the back of the card! Haha.. figures I can't win the car of my dreams when I ACTUALLY  GET THE CHANCE TO! Lol, wow.. I mean, it only means I'm in the finals for winning it, not that I actually won it, but maybe there's a chance that if I did win, someone else could take it who actually makes enough, then give it to me? Yeah, right!! Winning that iPod touch was enough luck for a while, I bet. Unless God has a hand in these things, which I believe he does. I just think that, being poor and barely making enough to save for a crappy car (I'm planning on working 2 part-times this summer), I should win this thing! GARRR!!

Anyway, ______ has to go to this seminar thing tomorrow or Sat. and sit through this travel company (who sponsored the car giveaway)'s spiel about their services. THEN he/we can win the cruise. I'm really hoping he is willing to do this, since he said he has done something like this before, and DIDN'T win. Eek!!! Please please please.. haha.. I really think this is legit! I am pretty sure she said you don't have to buy anything.. no catches.. I hope...

Ugh! Anxious! Chance of a lifetime! Haha..

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Things Guys Say Or Mean... and Girls Don't

Guyspeak / Girlspeak

1. "buddies" = "friends"

2. "pass out" = "sleep"

3. "chill" = "hang out"

(... to
continued ... )

Other translations:

  • "I'll call you." - no he won't. Especially if he didn't even get your number (!)
To be continued...

Nails Again -n- Schtuff

So I decided to do my nails again, after taking a break from them for about a month. I also edited this in Picnik. Why? Because I can't help it!! Haha.

Sure, they're a hassle. And it's hell trying to text. So why do I do it? Cause it looks good, hehe! I know, girls are dumb.. but eh, what are ya gonna do?

Oh, update on the girl at work: well, when I next worked with her, she wasn't nearly as bad. Still, not friendly. I don't get it - how can some people just NOT be friendly, or smile? I mean, I'm shy but I still have a pleasant tone of voice when speaking with others, and I most certainly don't give them mean, nasty looks. Oh, and when she is somewhat nice? It's when an adult says goodbye, have a nice day!! She's all, "Byee, you too!" -_- Wtf, haha.

Now I'm off to study French. I'm pissed that we have so much due this week. Why can't these things be spaced out??


Monday, November 8, 2010

Wow. I've never been so insulted..

So I've been really upset for half of the day because of the girl I work with. I can't believe how rude and demeaning she is, and it's just gotten worse.

I'm not one to be dramatic or exaggerate, and I try to tell it like it is. So I am honest when I say she was really mean - showing an attitude and looking at me all day like I was flat-out stupid. Seriously. I don't even feel like going into details.. but I was really quite upset. She just would not let up. Every job I did, she had a mean comment. I guess she thinks I'm lazy or something but I am far from it, at least when it comes to the job I have to do. I try to do the best I can, in the time allowed (I have to leave early Mondays for class). I just felt so degraded and patronized. Ugh.. guess I'm gonna have to be strong and say something - nicely, of course. I couldn't be any other way. ;-)

Friday, November 5, 2010


More later, but a quick post - I am feeling very discouraged all of a sudden. In love. I always have, ever since high school, because none of the guys I liked (and TOLD them I liked, at that!) ever liked me back. Then I come to college, find a bf, discover online that I'm quite a catch, blah blah.. but still, here I am. Unlucky. Or rather, unblessed by God to have found that person..

What is wrong with me that guys don't approach me, or that I'm too shy? Should I change my whole personality just to abate this?! Like, wtf.. and yeah, it doesn't help that exes have told me to be more outgoing.. don't fucking try to change me :( Anyway!

Also I am soooo picky. It's unreal. Are most smart, "attractive" (I don't really think I am) girls this picky?! I worry a lot about it but also, I would like to think I'm WORTH being that picky!.. aka don't settle, blah blah.. 

G2g.. more later..

What do you prefer? Pick several if ya want.