*what happens to a dream deferred?*
~the musical and poetical world of cara christine~

Friday, August 6, 2010

Late Night and a Romanian

Haha.. so I've been doing this pen pal thing for a while now. Just about all summer. It's neat, and going fine. So I'm on this website (highly recommended, btw) called http://www.penpalworld.com/ . I was just looking around, and for the first time, I was looking for male friends. I mean, not that I'm looking for anyone special, I just thought that since I'm single now, I can do such things, haha. Weird, I know. Anyway! I added a few friends, people I thought "worthy" to talk to, and I got a few replies. One of them stood out, and we quickly emailed back and forth. Long emails, details, very pleasant :) Witty. He was born in Romania and moved here as a kid. Jeez.. deja vu much for me? Lol, don't ask. He says ppl from there typically are fair, but he isn't.. and I like it!

So then I had this idea of, hey, his email address is Yahoo, so maaybe he is on messenger. I typed in his name to add, and sure enough, there he was! Haha. But he was dealing wth some stuff at work (hospital) so we didn't talk for a few minutes. But once we did, we didn't stop til like, 1 in the morning! Haha. Crazy.. I guess we had a lot to talk about. Of course, one of those subjects is like, a common area of human interest, and I won't mention it :) But we have a lot in common intellectually, of course. I love when things flow with someone intellectually, and you don't have to force it. Or worry about their smarts. Love it, ha. He says if I ever came to Chicago (yes, it is far unfortunately but not impossible.. so I don't know that we will ever  meet, especially since I don't drive!) we would have a whole day dedicated to food :)  That would be very cool, having all kinds of ethnic foods.. it was funny, he said if I ever showed up at his door with rasmala, he would marry me. Lol.

He has also said that people sometimes think he's gay. Ha! - sounds like my previous boyfriends. I like guys that dress well, what can I say? I'm picky in many ways, lol.

So.. that's that for now. I was supposed to go on a date today with someone else but he's sick :( Dunno..


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