*what happens to a dream deferred?*
~the musical and poetical world of cara christine~

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Christmas is...

...full of hope :) I can feel it!

Ha, the spirit is makin me feel lifted. And the snow is so pretty.

One can only hope...

Sunday, December 19, 2010


...I hate not knowing.

Especially this time of year. It's starting to get to me, the uncertainty. I don't know whether to worry and wonder or just to let it all slide, like the busyness of it all is.. a great excuse not to....

And there are some things about this time of year that I have never had the chance to experience that a lot of people have...


Guess I'm overreacting, but... I guess I'm just a sucker..

Monday, December 6, 2010

"It's f***in' COLD!!"

Lol.. this is all I heard today, from various, uh, men. I mean, everyone had something to say about the suddenly atrocious Ohio weather (what else is new?) but I feel like everytime I heard a guy say it, it was "It's f***in' COLD!" Bahaha...

Crazy Ohio.

Let's just hope this uncertain frigid cold wind doesn't stay - and I may not just be talking about the weather :-/

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Revisiting Some Old Songs :)

The next 2 entries are some really awesome songs. I totally forgot about these albums cause I no  longer have them.. but am so glad I've remembered since :)

What do you prefer? Pick several if ya want.