*what happens to a dream deferred?*
~the musical and poetical world of cara christine~

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

From My English Assignment...

So we have a blogging assignment in English class. (Yes, I am still in an English class at 22.. Long story.) Here is what I wrote for my "mid-process post" --

I really enjoy the blogging assignment. I started journaling as a kid, and I’ve blogged before so this is nothing new to me; however, certain aspects are new. For example, having to blog almost every day in order to fill the “quota” assigned is a little daunting, but I do enjoy it so far. Also new is trying to stick to one topic. Before and even now, I would blog about things going on in my life, as well as my chosen “class assignment topic” of fashion, but this time it is an assignment, and there is a topic at hand that is to be (loosely) adhered to. Sometimes I find myself just Googling whatever comes to mind in order to keep the blog somewhat fresh and interesting. I think one challenge of this assignment is letting go and giving my opinions. I am so used to having to back up what I say for assignments with facts that I have to remember that this isn’t that kind of assignment. I enjoy putting in links, videos, and pictures, and I will try to remember to say more in the future and not just summarize the topic or link at hand.

Right now I'm trying to cover most general bases of fashion-related topics, from men's and women's all the way to teens and interesting articles or videos I've found. I think the way teens and young adults dress is interesting because it begs the question, why do they do it? I'm also interested in controversies in fashion, for example, all the lawsuits that Abercrombie and Fitch have had filed against them.

Maybe a narrowing of topic will form eventually... I look forward to finding out.

Interesting Observations

I have noticed over the years that if you go into a bar with a man, you don't get carded, whereas if you're by yourself or with friends, you probably will.

In classes, the pretty outgoing girls get tend to get more (visible or verbal) notice than ones like me.

In Shriver, the low fat vanilla frozen yogurt tastes just like ice cream. I bet it is...

I've always been a teacher's pet. Hmm..

You can actually get used to not drinking pop :)

Food cooled by an open window seems to cool twice as fast.

To be continued... 

Monday, October 4, 2010

Well, hello. 'Tis been awhile.

Hallo. Not that anyone reads this, but hi, and it's been awhile.

Last we heard, I was chasing around some dudes. Well, nothing came of that of course, so it's on to new dudes and stuff. xD

In Miami now, yay. Didn't make it into music dept, not-yay. So I'm biding time here (coughfinallygettingtopartycough) before I transfer again somewhere else. There's this one place who takes anyone for music.. sounds lame like I have no talent, but I do lol. Just had a hard time. Made a new gay friend (what else is new?!) and although we have fun, I think he likes to party a little too much, haha. I mean, I"ve gotten sick because of it.. guess I've worn down my poor immune system...

Making blogs in English class :) How sweet is that. I'm doing a fashion one for guys AND gals so hopefully the guys will take a looksee. I'm planning to incorporate teen fashion, pressure, etc. into the thing, along with haute couture musings :) Hopefully people will read it (besides the prof haha)!

View English blog here :)

More later :)


What do you prefer? Pick several if ya want.